Disqus Blocked by Ad Blockers

I just added Disqus brics, and noticed that they do not load on my iPhone. Apparently because I have a content blocker since when I reload without content blocker the Disqus comment sections appear.

I have 2 questions:

  1. What’s the best way to handle this? Put a note like, “If you don’t see a comment section at the bottom of the page, try reloading without content blockers” ?

  2. If I put a Disqus bric on the bottom of each page on my site, will they each act independently (i.e., each have separate comments)?


Not sure how to handle the first question. I’ve not experienced that.

You can put Disqus on multiple pages, I do this with my blog. Each page shows comments independently. You just have to make sure each page has your Disqus shortcut name in the settings. You can see it in action here.

25 AM


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Thank you for answering my second question.

This statement “make sure each page has your Disqus shortcut name in the settings” confused me because the “page settings” doesn’t have a place for the Disqus shortname (at least in 2.5.0). What I see is that the Disqus shortname shows up only in the “project settings” and in the “bric” settings area (the settings that only appear when you click on a bric or other element). Anyway, I assume that’s what you meant.

Regarding my first question, I did some research. First, I tried the website you gave and found that it does not show Disqus comments, just like with mine. See my animated.gif and note that while the Disqus area on the Owl page is not at the bottom initially, when I “reload without content blocker” the Disqus area does appear. It’s appearance is very brief in the animated .gif, but you can barely see it before the animation restarts.
d 2
I believe content blocking is just a Safari feature. I tried using Chrome, and Disqus showed right away. I’m using an iPhone 6s and have 1Blocker running in a standard mode.

According to PageFair’s 2017 AdBlock report, 380million mobile devices use AdBlocking. However, if you look at the PageFair page in Safari, they have Disqus area at the bottom of the page that is not blocked!

So, there must be some way to avoid this.

Thanks again

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