Accessible Web Design

This is a really nice list with snapshot examples of do’s and do not’s for accessible web design.


Good thread.

Accessibility is such a huge topic. A lot to learn and it’s really important.

I have been making sure to take time to progressively learn more and best implementations.

Some people say they don’t have time. But really it’s a good investment of your time to make the web better for everyone.

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I’m colorblind, so if anyone needs me to look at their site, let me know.

Rich the Weather Guy


There are different kinds of colour blindness though with varying interpretations of the same colours. Some cannot see any colour at all.


More on accessibility:

If you can use a native HTML element or attribute with the semantics and behavior you require already built in, instead of re-purposing an element and adding an ARIA role, state or property to make it accessible, then do so.

ARIA should never be your first choice for a solution. Use semantic HTML first. Then, add ARIA markup as needed. That said, if your website or application is highly interactive and includes rich, dynamic content, ARIA is likely required in order to make your website accessible.

And this gives a lot of examples of proper use if/when needed. Just follow the links to the articles → examples as needed.

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Yes, that is true. Mine is mostly Red/Green, but shades give me issues as well. Red/Green is the most common.
Something that has always bugged me…a weather fanatic…you will note that red and green are the colors most all weather services use on their maps to depict rainfall and hazards.
Sometimes I have to ask my wife and kids, “what color is that?” Though two out of three kids are color blind as well.

Rich the Weather Guy

I’ve done quite a bit of study on this topic and colour theory in general. Colour blindness or perhaps more aptly colour deficiency is relatively rare among females with just 1 in 255 showing any signs at all.

The situation among males is rather more bleak with 1 in 12 being colour deficient to some extent and many are not even aware they have it. It is highest in white skinned males, yet practically non-existent in Eskimos for reasons that have never really been identified.

If you want to test your designs there is a free app on the App Store called Inclusivity that allows you to see different colours with various colour sensitivities, though I would caution that trying to please all types will prove a thankless task, unless your design is literally black & white.

Alternatively check out Sim Daltonism

If you look in the canvas settings of Blocs it includes options to check various visual impairments directly inside the app, however I would stress that these are merely general guides, since there will always be differences in colour perception among individuals, even when they fall inside these categories. Indeed, simply getting older changes our perception of colour.

Long story short, just do the best you can. If you are aware you have some kind of colour deficiency try asking others to check your designs

@WeatherguyNH You could possibly look into using a red X-Chrome soft contact lens over your weakest eye, which can restore near perfect colour vision. You would have to find a specialist in this area, but in clinical trials over 97% of those tested found it made a significant improvement.

Yes, being afflicted with this, I too took a deep dive look many years ago to try and understand it.
As a child I got terrible marks in Art classes, until one day a teacher gave me a color blindness test. One of my kids was having a problem in Art class and when I went into the school and met with the teacher, and explained WHY his color selections were strange, she immediately understood. I went out of my way to make sure the schools were aware of their color blindness up front, but many times that information never made it to the teachers.
Just something you have to deal with…

Rich the Weather Guy

One point worth adding is that if you are struggling to view colours correctly you should hardware calibrate your display at the very least using industry standard settings and apply an appropriate display profile. This should be done at regular intervals to ensure some kind of consistency over time.

In reality there are huge numbers out there with perfectly good colour vision, yet still working with horribly skewed colour perception because their computer display is not properly calibrated and very possibly working in rooms with horrible lighting, along with bright yellow walls and green curtains. It’s just a mess.

My favourite.

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If you work this way for long enough you see coconuts everywhere.


I use rechargeable batteries to power my canoe when I am using a trolling motor.
When I set them on the charger, the LED tells me it is charged by turning from Red to Green. Good luck with that!
I NEVER know what the status really is until I can ask someone else in my household. How many “things” do you recharge at home that have a red/green LED?
Just another thing that most people don’t realize can be a problem, and the people that design them have no clue.

Rich the Weather Guy

I suspect Italians have been using red/green colour blindness as an excuse for not stopping at traffic lights since cars were first invented. In Milan traffic lights just flash yellow at night and it comes down to a case of who feels bravest.

I know the red light is on top. That is how I tell.

Um, no it’s not. :joy:

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It is in the USA…

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It is, but it is not required of all websites.

I’m just messing with you. Where about are you in the USA. I’m in St. Louis MO suburbs.

Beautiful San Diego

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New Hampshire…

Rich the Weather Guy

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