Any way to add invisible files as Project Attachments?

I’ve created an .htaccess file and I’d like to add it to my project. But being an ‘invisible’ file, it’s not possible to include it in my Project Attachments.

This is for my local environment. If I manually drop one into the root folder Blocs removes it whenever I export.

Does anyone have a way around this?

when you drop it in the roof folder ‘remove’ the dot so its just called htaccess.
Export & then log into the site via FTP & add the dot back in,

Thanks, I can re-add the .htaccess file manually every time anyway. I was just hoping for a way around having to do that as I am re-exporting and testing a lot during development.

Not sure what FTP your using. But with Forklift you could easily setup a sync from an export folder to your local host folder with just changes.

Good idea and thanks for introducing me to Forklift! I wonder if it has the ability to ‘watch’ the folder and automatically sync when it detects changes.

I’ve been using Transmit, which I think has Local > Local too.

I’ll also look into whether CodeKit can do this automagically for me.

You could use the Synclet feature. Puts an icon in the menu bar and you can sync presets without opening Forklift. I use this for all my client sites.

That sounds good. Thanks very much.

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Just a question:
Could it be that if you set the invisible files to not read in your Forklift (view>show invisible items), they will not be included during the deletion when you want to replace and upload the new website?

It won’t delete the file, as your just pushing the exported files.