Background with a static object for all blocks

Hello everyone, how to create something like this? So that one background with an object would be the background for all blocks, but would be static, and the information would move.

The first thing I would try is to have just one bloc in the dynamic area with the background image set, then add in your construction elements leaving large margins and paddings etc. to replicate your coloured areas scrolling over.

This may be wrong, but that would be my first attempt at it. The problem you’d have is that I don’t believe you’d be able to scroll to a specific area from a menu item. This may have changed recently, and I’m not in Blocs at the moment to check.

Good luck, I look forward to seeing what you come up with.

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The main thing is having control of the position of that image.

A few ways to do it, here is just one…

CleanShot 2024-08-24 at 08.25.40

Example project. Make adjustments to suit your needs.

Goofy_Blocs.bloc (306.2 KB)

And as @TrevReav suggests, do it in the global area, if you want it site wide.

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Thanks for the help, I’ll try it.