Blocs 2.4.1 Images Not Showing

Dear @Norm,

In the version of Blocs 2.4.1 all images under app are not showing / transparent. Only visible when opened in browser.

What to do? Looking for your help.


Do you run a Mac with multiple HD’s?

Yeah! One external and one internal :slight_smile:

  • App is installed on External
  • Project File & Images stored on Internal

Try adding an feature Bloc, do icons load correctly?

Yeah! Icons showing correctly but Project Assets are not showing.

So none of the assets at all or showing or just bloc backgrounds?

All assets are completely invisible. But when loaded in browser then only visible! (browser only - not in app)

Ok I’ll continue this via email.

Sure… :slight_smile: Done!

I have downloaded latest trial version. It’s great. But I’m facing the same exact issue.
Kindly advise.