Blocs 4.3 is here! 🥳

Today we are extremely excited to introduce Blocs 4.3, an incredible update with many new amazing features we know you’re going to love :heart_eyes:

We created a little promo video to show off some of the new features that are packed into Blocs 4.3!

We also published a dedicated blog post for this release, which you can checkout here.

Special thanks to all of the community members who helped to test and prepare Blocs 4.3 for its official release. :handshake: :beers:

The Blocs 4.3 update is free to all Blocs 4 users , you can read all about updating here. If you’re still using Blocs 3, grab your upgrade discount and start building better websites with Blocs 4 today .


These updates are great…but I have to say, whomever creates the videos should get a raise!!



Congratulations, this is a great build.

I just installed the release version of 4.3 on both computers and opened a project on the old Mac Pro to check if any brics needed updating.

The first thing I noticed was that the chosen paragraph font “PGF Now Book” obviously wasn’t installed on the older computer, but there is no real warning here. If you look in project settings the font is listed without any note that it is missing from the font manager and the project seems to be showing a fallback alternative. Some might not pick up on this.

Is there any way this could be made more fool proof in future? At a minimum some kind of font missing warning on the canvass. In future, perhaps fonts could travel with the project file. My ideal scenario would be for installed fonts in Blocs to be automatically updated across different computers.

This is something that I would like to see happen with Custom Brics as well through iCloud. If the application support folder or at least Custom Brics & Blocs could be stored on iCloud that could become automatic and just sync across when Blocs is opened.


awesome!!! :partying_face: :partying_face: :clap: :clap:

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Thanks I’ll pass that on :sunglasses:


I just installed the previously mentioned fonts and they didn’t appear. Instead I had a not found error message in preview. This went away after restarting Blocs. This may be a Mojave issue or more general but followed immediately after installing fonts.

I’ll check that.

Detect missing fonts is actually on my list of features to put up for voting in 4.4 and has been since May :nerd_face:

So you’ll get a chance to vote for that.


Oops, that takes some getting used to, Blocs in Dutch. :blush: :+1: Thx Norm.
And now webshop support like Mollie and we are the happiest person in the world :grinning:

Small translation error → Kleuren(staal) manager
Schermafbeelding 2021-06-28 om 15.11.49

I will vote for this feature. :+1:
It was the same for me with some discarded designs where I uninstalled the fonts. And when I later reopened these drafts there was no warning about missing fonts.

I have hundreds of web fonts available and work on lots of projects. It isn’t practical to keep them all installed, especially if they were only used once on an older project that is not updated regularly, so this needs some kind of backup plan.

You can switch back to English if you like :sunglasses:

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No problem :+1: :grinning: Thx

THX, may be needed sometimes when I get help in English :+1: :blush: :grinning:

Excellent release. Second the comments regarding the explainer videos.

HI evry one so I asked this before but got no answer
I can only see the local fonts that I added I don’t see all the default fonts and also the google fonts
that I have added in 4.1 what I can do to get them back?

or am I missing something that everyone knows except for me :slight_smile:

I am having an issue with Drop down menus in 4.3, DM’d you a video @Norm

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Right click on preview button for browser preview doesn’t work for me. Not in version 4.3.0 and not in 4.3.1 either. Or does this have to be activated somewhere?

That may depend if the main window has focus. When moving between internal and external windows the click may not be caught.

Does your Font Manager show the fonts?