Blocs 5 with Stripe

something is wrong using my Blocs 5 with Stripe.

I have created an empty site from the template “Paperback”.
I filled in the Settings with the “Stripe Publish Key”, then assigned the “Buy” button the price_id of the product (see screenshot), at last uploaded via FTP the site as is, without anything else, just to test it.
But it doesn’t work.
I tried to redo a blank site even simpler, without a template and with Bootstrap 4, just a page with the Buy button. It doesn’t work that way either.

This is the test with the “Paperback” template with Bootstrap5:

And this is the test with simpler, really empty site with Bootstrap4:

Am I doing something wrong?

The “simpler site” settings:

“Is there anybody out there?” (cit.)

Browser inspector is your best friend, a quick looks shows there is an error.

Success URL needs to start with http:// or https://

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@Mangla check the site address in project settings.

@PeteSharp @Norm
As you can see in the second screenshot, site address is regularly set with “https”.

Take a look at code in “Buy Book” button on the template, where the action begins:

<a href=“#” class="btn btn-c-1078 white-btn hero-btn " data-blocs-ecommerce-type=“stripe” data-stripe-payment-mode=“payment” data-stripe-price-id=“price_1M5vjwBGYbgPmtNwjun8d7sU” data-stripe-quantity=“1” data-stripe-success-url=“contact.html” data-stripe-cancel-url=“index.html”>Buy Book

Blocs doesn’t set the URL with entire domain, only the Html page.

The page is done with Blocs template as it is, only adding Stripe price-id in the button (screenshot 1).

Same thing happens in even simpler blank site made using Bootstrap 4:

In both sites, Settings are correctly set with Stripe Publish Key (screenshot 3) and domain with “Https” (screenshot 2).

I could send you the two Blocs files but it’s pointless, as they are simple and replicable: the one in BS5 is the standard template that appears when opening Blocs, with only the domain (with Https) and Stripe Publish Key added in Settings, and the PriceID to the ‘Buy Book’ button; the one in BS4 is even just a blank page, entering one of the Brics with the iPhone (Settings and Button set as in BS5).

Ok I’ll take a look and see if I can see why this is happening.

Hi @Norm,
please read support ticket, for 5.0.1 feedback.

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I just replied to you with what I think you need to do in your Stripe account.