Blocs Builder - Social Responsibility

Not our usual sort of posts on here, but it’s a topic that my wife and I have a high value for. We have always lived generously, but we have decided to be more intentional, especially around the way we do business.

Starting this year, we began highlighting to our clients in our Project Proposals, that a portion of the income from that project would be donated to a life changing organisations.

This is also the case for Blocs Builder. So now when you buy our brics or use our services, a portion of that income goes to an organisation that rescues children from sex trafficking and exploitation, providing safe housing, education and meeting their emotional needs. We think thats a pretty amazing cause.

Thank you everyone for your support.



Respect :clap:




A very noble cause!

Rich the Weather Guy

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I felt nothing short of inspired by your commitment to intentionally embedding generosity in your business model. It’s truly commendable to see small business owners taking such a proactive step in leveraging their platforms to effectuate positive change, especially in such a significant area.

Your commitment to donating a portion of your project(s) income shows a level of corporate responsibility that goes beyond the usual business practices. It is inspiring to see how your business, Blocs Builder, is not just a tool for building Better Brics but also a tool for building a brighter future for others

Keep up the fantastic work, and thank you for setting such a powerful example for all of us in the forum community. There’s no excuse anymore not to buy any of @PeteSharp’s Brics!


Bravo, I love the cause that you’ve picked. My partner and I are part of an organization that provides clothing and scholarships to Kids in our area. It’s called Kids Needs. They provide kids (from kindergarten to high school) with clothing, shoes, hygiene products, as well as scholarships. What’s the name of the organization, maybe we can help too?


Couldn’t agree more.

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That is an absolutely worthwhile cause.

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