Blocs for Mac V5.2.7 Beta Build 3

Hey everyone, here is the third beta of Blocs for Mac V5.2.7.

More fixes and improvements on the way!

Have fun testing.

Download Blocs V5.2.7 Beta Build 3


Something curious. It just created a line break after adding a link in some new text.

I then tried repeating it on another piece of text and it was fine. There is something seemingly random going on here.

I just saved a project and quit. When I opened the next project it came up with a message saying I had made changes and did I want to save. This happened in the past with Blocs and it’s horribly disconcerting.

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When adding a link to two words that break over two lines the link is then applied to the entire paragraph. It would be good if it did not do this by default. The same thing happens with a span, so I either have to change the wording or apply separate spans or links for each word.


There it happens again. I save and quit one project, then open another, but this pops up before it will show me any content in the newly opened project. I click don’t save worried about the damage it might do to the new project.

This is an old bug that is back again.

Seems to happen on the design canvas, but the markup is correct on preview in a browser. But yes, that shouldn’t do that.

That also has now happened to me.


During an excellent Blocs Chat this morning, we address a problem someone was having with forms not working. We were able to solve this, by discovering, the form had 2 input fields with the same ID, and also a field with no ID.

The field with no ID broke the form from working, as it appears there are no checks and Blocs just creates code with an empty $.

And not sure how both input fields were allowed the same name?

I think a feature like what Bootstrap Studio has would be good. This would have addressed that big CSS issue I had a few months back also,

Basically a project test for issues. It would resolve/identify a lot of common situations.

CleanShot 2024-10-15 at 12.25.30


Thanks for relaying this information. I’m glad you and the chat members found a way to address the users form issue.

However, this unfortunately highlights the problem of having unrecorded, offsite chats, regarding support and bugs.

Especially when we have a great forum and we offer a means of filling support tickets directly to us.

What helps us fix the issue, is detail.

We need the Blocs project file, so we can asses it.

• Is it new.

• Is it old.

• Is it migrated?

We need the users OS version too.

• Are they running an older version of macOS?

• Are they running a macOS Beta?

These are just the basic first steps.

Hopefully you encouraged the user to file a support ticket with these details so I can trace down the cause more efficiently.

If this discussion happened right here in the forum, It would save time finding a potential fix, I’d likely have all details or be able to find them quickly.

Right now I don’t even know who the user is, I assume it’s the most recent form issue thread here on the forum, but again I’m missing the details.

I appreciate it comes from a good place, but for us as a company, offsite, unrecorded support chats are not as helpful as support tickets and discussion right here in the forum.

I’ll investigate the issue, but please keep this in mind for future offsite help sessions.


I cannot answer all those questions, since they were not asked in the chat. What I can tell you with the latest beta is that it is not possible to have two form fields with the same ID on a brand new project, but it is possible to have a field with no ID, as I tested here for the message field.

You end up with code like this:


I assumed you were aware Blocs is not checking for any missing ID in forms.

new-site.bloc (38.1 KB)

On a different subject regarding forms, it would be a whole lot better if the field for telephone could automatically carry the attributes type=tel allowing a number pad to appear on mobile. It’s a much better user experience and at present somebody can just type in anything.

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Actually it’s more a social face to face chat between people from all over the world. Someone asked about their form, and we took a look. Of course they were asked to report this issue. I posted, because I don’t think they fully understood it.

The chat hasn’t been a replacement for the forum.

Maybe we can report back on the topics… Hurricane’s, power generators, travel, dealing with customers, pricing, codepen, CSS, SEO, the shirt I was wearing, Danny the cat, sound problems… and the like. The discussion is very broad.

Basically, conversation that qualifies a cup of coffee :coffee: and bit of a laugh, not a video.


Brilliant! That’s all we need.

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To be fair Danny would love to be on Youtube.



There is a check in place to skip empty IDs in the form items, however, it would appear it’s no longer doing it’s job correctly.

I’ll take a look.

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Today I was working on a Bric. Its a new bric, and a new project file (project file only started today, haven’t even saved it)

I updated the js attachment, and it stopped updating in the project, even reseting the bric a few times, nothing changed, I removed the bric, and found the attachment was still attached to the page.

Removed it, re-added the bric and the new js file was there.

Not sure if its that old bug back, or something new :grimacing:

The way I edited the js file was opening it through the bric itself, if that helps.

Maybe it could alert a user, rather than skip.

When pressing the option key to fix settings at all breakpoints, wasn’t there some kind of blue line visual confirmation at one stage? That seems to have disappeared.

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I’ve traced down the cause of this one and have a fix ready.