Button Class bug?

I’ve made a button and added a class. When I started working on it today it looks different in other screen sizes. When editing the class it only changes the font and weight but not the font color.
Has anybody a solution? Is this a bug?

Thanks for help!

You need to set the custom class for each breakpoint size separately as required, otherwise it may not appear as you wish. Personally I find it quite time consuming and wish the settings were all inherited, unless changed manually.

I also believe there is a bit of a bug with colours not saving reliably with custom classes, but this extends beyond buttons into other areas as well and I’ve been battling with this for some time. Very often I have to repeat the exercise several times before a colour choice sticks. Hopefully Blocs 3 will fix this @Norm

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@norm, I agree with Flashman. Nice if custom class settings would be inherited unless changed manually.
I think it would also be very nice if you could copy a class, change a few thing and save under an other name. And that there would be a way to organise classes and put them in folders.

@Norm, I deleted all the classes from my button. Took the subclass ‘Glossy’ and try to edit it. Could change most things but not the font color. What is happening? Please help…

try the following. Create a new project, add a button, apply a custom class.

Can you set the button text colour in a fresh project?

Hi Norm,

Thanks for your reply! In a new project I can edit a button. I’ve used a class to change the font. Everything is now editable, like color, size, type etc… So the answer is yes. But how do solve the problem in the original project?

Have a nice day,


Hi @Norm, sorry for the ping, can you have a look inside my project? I can edit the font using classes, but I can’t change the colour inside the button, in developer mode I can see the colour, but when I start preview the colour remain white


@Norm I tried to update to Blocs 3.5.5, but always doesn’t work the button text colour change

Hello, I checked your project quickly, I saw that you have added the same class twice to both the div and the button, delete a class and we leave the button class only.

Then we remove the button color in the side panel, and we only apply background color within the button class.

For some strange reason it causes a conflict when using the color in the sidebar that disables the class colors. I think it’s something that @Norm would have to review.

With these settings all your changes will be reflected in your project.

I amazed at how at the clarity of the screen shots I see in the Forum.
How is everyone taking those?

Usually with the Mac Cmd-Shift-4 key combination. This will allow you to select the area of the screen you wish to capture. If you press the space bar after activating the short cut, you will be able to click inside any window or dialog box to capture the whole dialog.

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Thanks! Perfect description of my error

I use Skitch - great bit of software

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