Button Icons- align right

I am looking for a solution to align button icons to the right.
I have Blocs 6 Plus - using bootstrap 5.
I have searched the Forum but found no solutions.
Any ideas / solutions ?
I thank you

may you show us an example?
do you mean all icons vertical and on the right?
do you mean horizontal But all on the right?

Yes, here is am example of where I would like to have this arrow icon on the right side of the subscribe text.


I have a new feature coming to make this easier. In the meantime this video at the Blocs academy will help.

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Very nice. Thank-you.

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since the version 6 of BLOCS
we discover a @Norm in supercharged version

happy to see all those new features and fixes on different incrementation
Keep continuing it is very appreciable

PS: just see a new upgrade available (6.0.11)