Card Designer don't show any image

The Card Designer plugin from Whittfield does not display any photos.

Is this an older project or new?

Which version of MacOS and Blocs are you using ?

I have the same problem, after upgrading to blocs 5. Images don’t show.

See website

Need to fix this quickly!

(Mac OS 12.7.4, tested on Safari and Chrome)

Might want to try removing all the duplicate attachments from Card Designer. The duplicate files was an old bug in Blocs thats been fixed since.

If you remove all of them, Blocs will show a fix button in the Bric that will restore whats needed for the bric. (its a very handy feature)

Worth a shot.

UPDATE: Got me thinking, and I checked. The latest version of Card Designer requires Bootstrap 5. See the yellow triangle in the corner of the app. (That appears if the project is set to 4)

It appears you are running Bootstrap 4 on your website. You will probably also need to update the framework in your project settings.


Sounds good, but I have no idea of what to do. I’m using Blocs, I’m not a web-coder.

Can you describe it step-by-step for a noob?

Selected bootstrap 5 and confirmed, but yellow triangle is still there at card designer bloc.

Bootstrap 5 is selected, but still the same problem. Yellow triangle and cards don’t show images. Please help!

I have tested this under the following circumstances:

  • Blocs 5.2.7 (macOS 15.1)
  • Bootstrap 5
  • Card Designer (1.6.1)
  • Page in subfolder, images in parent folder

Everything works as it should after the export, so it cannot be due to the Blocs- or Card Designer-version. So it’s not really a big help, but the issue must be somewhere in your project. :face_with_monocle:

Card designer is now version 1.6.1. Project framework is bootstrap 5.

Still doesn’t show images and also shows a yellow triangle in the blocs selector.

What’s wrong here?

Do what Pete said.
Do that on Project settings and page settings.
This may fix it.

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No attachments in project settings. Removed all duplicate attachments in page settings. Still doesn’t show the images in preview.

As mentioned, remove all of them and let blocs fix the attachments again.

I do not believe the editarea.css file should be there, that’s just for the design canvas.

The bigger issue here is @Whittfield is now missing in action and this was his bric, so trouble shooting is limited.

Yes, that’s the one causing the trouble. I remember now.
Remove it and try if it works.

After updating Card Designer, removing all the extensions, and restarting Blocs, it updated everything and now it works, finally! Thanks!


That’s really good news.
Movin’ on.

Card Designer isn’t available to buy at the moment, does anyone know why this is please? Thanks

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I would only recommend buying brics that are showing in the blocs store - but also check with the developer that it’s Blocs 6 supported.

Good luck :+1:


:astonished: Gosh, I’m kind of impressed with this sales number.


I wish there were analytics like this for all Brics out there, as it would give a better indication of usage/sales for those considering entering the fold of using the Developer API and what the possible ROI might be using these averages. Knowing the number of support tickets would probably nullify that sales information excitement though. :smile:

Does anyone know of an alternative product that still is available?