Changed site to https and now no Googlefonts

Hi all,
I added a security-certificate to my site and now its using https:// to enter.
Problem now is: Googlefonts are not loaded anymore.

I found a solution to bypass this, but is it possible to change this in the project settings ore somewhere else?

found solution:
link href=‘,700’ rel=‘stylesheet’ type=‘text/css’

and change it to this:

href=‘//,700’ rel=‘stylesheet’ type=‘text/css’>

This simple change will make your browser call the Google Font page in the applicable mode (HTTP vs HTTPS).

@Norm: is there any way to automate the change to the ref to the Googlefonts?

Change link href=‘[…etc. into link href=‘[ … etc… So change http into https. It worked for me.

The problem with changing the html is that I am afraid I would have to do this on any page.
The only way to use Google fonts is to check ‘use Google fonts’ in project setting.
So I have found another solution: adding a file in css: google-fonts.min.css
With this code, in my case I used Varela+round,you can change this for any Google-font you are using.
and it will work.

@import url('');

The better way of doing this is to physically download the same Google fonts and add them to the project as hosted fonts. The problem disappears that way. Frequently Asked Questions  |  Google Fonts  |  Google Developers

You will probably have to convert them to web fonts and then add them via Blocs preferences.

I always use local fonts, rather than relying on external services.