Close X colour?

Is there anyway to change the colour of the close X in the main page of a menu? I seemed to only have it set on white, no matter what I do. I can change background and text but not the X close. I want a white background but for some reason this won’t change? Any ideas what to alter within the system for this?


when you open Blocs app, open the class manager and click on the + to add new class, now click the subclass lib and choose the Special Navigation Close Symbol (X) and from this point on you can style it as you wish. let me know if this worked for you.

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Thank you so much ilayd. How stupid of me not to do look there. For some reason I always forget that little add link can bring that section up.

Thanks so much for your help.

no worries

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On a related note, does anyone know how to adjust the thickness of the “X” close symbol? I am able to only affect half the X. (the leg segment that goes from top-left to bottom-right).