Columns set to equal height don't keep their width

Hey @Norm,

columns still make fun of me. Though I have the 3rd column set to take with width of 12 on md and below (4 on large), it behaves oddly. See here: (already fixed - see below)

I noticed the class d-flex on all 3 columns, probably because Blocs uses a flex option now to make them all the same height. Not sure how that worked in Blocs 4. When I disable the d-flex class in the inspector, the width behaves as expected, but the height doesn’t anymore.

Unless there’s another way to make them all the same height, I’d say this is a bug…?

While I still think that’s some odd behaviour, which I didn’t expect enable the equal height button, I found a solution that works for me:

I removed the equal height option (which basically only adds the class .d-flex to a column) from the 3 columns and added a bootstrap utility class .h-100 to each of the cards inside those columns. That worked to get the result I wanted.