I’m releasing Reflow for Blocs on Monday!
Reflow for Blocs is an easy to use front end for the Reflowhq.com ecommerce platform.
It’s 13 different extensions for Blocs. When used together, they make it possible to create an entire ecommerce website with coding. Reflowhq.com has some really great features and it just looks great out of the box. But also we’ve created an extension that allows you to change the fonts, colors, and styles easily from with Blocs.
Along with the 13 custom brics, you also get a Blocs template that uses all 13 extensions and makes it easier to learn to use them in your projects. Just fill your store with products and add the Store ID to the Reflow - Resources extension.
This is a free service that provides a good web store experience.
I’ve put together this video showing where I am with the template that I’m working on. There will be more information, videos, and documentation.
Teaser video
Reflow For Blocs UI
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