Custom classes vs Standard styles

Apologies if this question is the result of me being hard of thinking…

As I understand it, ‘standard’ styles can be defined under the ‘T’ tab of the Project Settings menu or,
for individual brics, overridden by a custom class. With a custom class applied, its properties can be changed under the different desktop/tablet/mobile views and, when viewed, will reflect those differences.

Is there a way by which a similar outcome can be put in place for the ‘standard’ styles, i.e., so that they can be sized/formatted so as to best suit the device on which they are viewed?

Many thanks,


Yes, they can also be formatted using the standard T tab of project settings, but not all classes are available from this screen. What happens when you define one of the standard text, lets say H1 in the project settings it creates that class (H1) in the class manager just for H1. (you can configure the three break from here but you still have to be in each break point when adjusting)

You can then open the class manager and you’ll see H1 and you then have all the attributes available in the class. In a nutshell using the project settings for text creates the class in the class manager and keeps you from manually creating custom classes. It can be helpful in organizing and minimizing the number of custom classes in a project.


Thanks Casey, that makes sense. I just hadn’t made the mental link between them.

  • Hugh
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