Custom slim 404 page exporter

Hi peeps :nerd_face:

Exporting a simple page from blocs with only an H3 and an image place holder still generates 1,5 mb of files, font files, 4 js files.

I’d like to see a slim 404 page export option.
As long as there’s only some text, css and an image most of it (except the image) could all be in the 404.shtml file.
Or if it’s a more advanced page needing some js or faczy font it could export the extra needed files to a 404 folder, but only the bare minimum of code/files.

If i replace a site even if it’s not a Blocs site i want the 404 files separately.
So if i need a 404 on a site without it, i could simple upload 1 shtml file and a folder which won’t interfere or mix with any other files.


Cheers :nerd_face:

You could edit the 404.html to grab the essentials from a CDN, then all you need is the HTML and style sheet.

Introduction · Bootstrap

Hello @Jakerlund, I do a different approach I edit the htaccess file and redirect the 404 to a specific folder outside my main webpage.

I do this in my cPanel, so it change htaccess for me. Just redirect all non existing pages to a specific webpage.

Thanks guys :nerd_face:

@PeteSharp good tip :+1:

@Pealco that’s a good tip, i’ll definitely donna check that out :+1:

But i’d still like to see an option to make and export a self contained 404 page for those cases where you just want to replace a standard boring 404 page and maybe not have access to the cpanel.
It would even be nice to export a quick temporary info page replacing the site index.
Rename the normal index, upload this new index with its own folder containing img’s, css, js and fonts if used. And when not needed any longer just delete them and rename old index and normal site is back.

It could be a setting when creating a new blocs project, (make simple page) and type in the name you want the files folder to be. Then img’s, js, css and any fonts would be exported to that folder.

It’s not a big deal, i just thought it would be handy to quickly make a page, keep it self contained.
I’ve had this situation quite a few times where a quick info page needed to be put up for a day or even hours only.

Keep safe and wash your hands guys :poop: