Dialog Box

How do I make a Modal popup appear upon entry to the website without having to press a button or link.

I use the Cadence bric.
Unfortunately it’s not available on the Blocs Store any more.

You can create a modal, give it an ID, example modal-49911, then add a code bric. Add this code to the footer section in the code bric. Obviously replace the part with modal-49911 with what ID you gave your modal.

document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() {
    var myModal = new bootstrap.Modal(document.getElementById('modal-49911'));

Not sure if this is best practise but it works.


Although that works, I would incorporate some Session Storage to set a flag, so when a user closes the modal, they then do not see it every time they load a page. Unless thats your intention,


Actually implemented exactly this on my website today :wink:


Nice… a good user experience… and a good deal for users too $$

If you haven’t already… collect the set from @Jannis

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