Disappearing Folders

So in my folder that Blocs exports my site to (locally) I have a folder with music. I want this music folder to stay in the folder where Blocs exports my site to. When I export I choose Quick Export and choose to only export changed files. But this always deletes that music folder that is already in the folder where Blocs exports to. Is there a way I can make this folder not get deleted every time I export the site to the local folder? I want to say I have other sites where Blocs was not doing this. Is it a setting I have to update in Blocs 5 since I upgraded? Thanks for any help :slight_smile:
*note my workaround is I already uploaded that music file to the server so when I upload my Blocs changes I have control and my folder stays up there, but it always disappears locally. Using Transmit as I always have.

UPDATE - I did find this, but I never had to do this before… my other folders always just remained whenever I did quick export, and only the main Blocs site files were updated leaving my additional added folders in tact: Simple solution to extra folder/content getting deleted! - Tips and Tricks - Blocs Forum

UPDATE… Was having issues with this particular site, but I took a chance and updated another site and chose to QUCK EXPORT only changed files, and it DID NOT overwrite my additional folders in my site folder. Still perplexed, but glad… Still happens with that latest site folder I made for a new site though. Odd. Will keep checking & testing.

So I am working on another web page. I try some experimenting. New site, new folder. Initially I exported the full site as new. Then, I created a folder called test inside the website folder. Then I did a quick export again of the site from Blocs and choose to only add what was changed, which makes no difference whether I actually change something or not… when I export to the folder the test folder is gone. Any folder NOT created by Blocs gets deleted if it resides inside my site folder whenever I update the site. This happens too often, but not always. So I cannot figure it out. But Blocs 4 NEVER did this, ever. I have to be so careful or back up folders, update, then transfer folders back inside. It is really annoying. An ideas?

This still happens. I had a folder of mp3s saved within my site folder (locally). I updated the site in Blocs and did a Quick Save and chose to only save the changed files… and Blocs removed the folder of the mp3s. Why does it overwrite like that? There should be no reason to remove extra folders within my local website folder. I tried all kinds of things before, and with Elder. Nothing really solved this issue… any help or definitive on this would be great. Thanks.

Have you filed an official bug report on that behavior at the URL below?


I myself try to avoid putting anything inside a folder Blocs exports to so as to avoid having that content obliterated by something accidental on my part or even a Blocs bug (which seems to be impacting you). Bugs should be fixed, of course. But having folders in a safer place is probably a bigger benefit in the long run compared to the convenience of having your external content be placed inside the same folder that Blocs exports to.

With that said, what happens if you put your folder inside the folder Blocs exports to, but then you open the Get Info dialog in order to LOCK your music folder? Locking the folder should prevent Blocs from deleting, overwriting or otherwise modifying it.

Great suggestion, I will try that for sure! Thanks. This has been going on a long time with Blocs releases. Funny thing is I have some folders that exporting blocs sites/updates to does not effect the folders inside my site folder. It’s hit & miss. I will try your suggestion soon. Just wiped out my Mac, so will be a couple days installing software. At least :slight_smile: Cheers!

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It may be related to the name of the folders. Blocs has a selection of named folders that it uses for export, I wonder if you are using a folder name that Blocs will interfere with in this scenario.

I believe that folder was just called audio. Interesting. Is this list of hidden folders something that is available?
I will check further into this. Right now I am missing lots of software on my computer due to hard-reinstalling Mac OS. Thanks.

When you have audio files in your project then Blocs uses this name to export and overwrites the folder.

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There is no list, but audio is one of them, so is video.

When Blocs exports it places all audio into a folder called audio, it will flush this entire folder if it plans to place new files in there, it may actually flush this folder if it doesn’t have audio and destroy it, especially if it’s located within the structure of the website.

If you name your folder my-audio you will likely find the issue is resolved.


Okay great, I will do some testing. Wondered why it was hit & miss that some folders get deleted and others do not. Makes sense. Thanks again.

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Thanks Bootsie. Just replied about similar response from Norm. Making sense now :slight_smile: