Easy Burger Bric - Menu Text [solved]


anyone know:

  1. if its possible to set the text also below or above the icon ?
  2. How I get spec between text and the Icon ?

thanks - hope you all feeling well

Check this out

Hi @KBConcepts

I know that post. I found the margin for the text and icon. But is there a way to set the text above or below the icon ? Do you know that ?

Hi @tom2

Only before and after are built into the settings.

By the way Tom. There is a button at the end of the settings that allows you to download the manual :grin:


Hi @PeteSharp
Is there a plan for a update to set it above or below ?

A manual? What’s that ?:joy::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I think you should start reading manuals @tom2 :rofl: seriously :crazy_face::crazy_face:

No plans to add above and below in the settings.

Ok, thanks for your help.
Great Burger Bric :+1:

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