Easy Copyright - Custom Bric

Hi @gary, just create a class, add it to the class manager in the EasyCopyright bric and settings will change according to your liking.


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Ok I’ll try that, thanks!

I seem to have run into an issue. When testing the bric, there are spaces between each word as expected. But once I put the pages online - spaces between the words a gone.

I created a custom class to turn the text white. When I noticed the spaces were gone, I added word spacing in the custom class (no effect).

Hey @Twisk

Sorry you have this issue. I have seen it with one other site. I will PM you a couple of questions, so I can fix this.


@Twisk, I have had the same a few weeks ago and it turned out to be a cache issue.

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Thanks @Jerry.

I had the problem that space between year and name was missing, but just on iphone. Adding a class with margin helped.

Seems to be the spans the Bric is using. Adding some padding to the span seems to work. I will see if I can create a solution where this doesn’t happen.


I saw this yesterday when previewed in Blocs, but it was correct when viewed locally in the web browser.

So looks like I have a fix sorted, it’s been tested by someone who was having this spacing issue and it appears to have solved it. Seemed to only effect a few people.

I am just baking in support for using external links for @wolfganghofer

Update will likely be out tomorrow. :crossed_fingers:


Easy Copyright V1.1.0 - Update now!


  • Spacing Issue, that was appearing for some users.


  • You can now choose a custom URL, as well as Project Pages.
  • Open Link in New Tab option.

Screen Shot 2020-12-30 at 5.55.39 PM


  • Install / Update as usual.
  • Restart Blocs.
  • Reset Easy Copyright Bric (right click) if you already have it installed.

Update not showing? - You can sign into Gumroad with the email you used to purchase from and get the latest version.

Please note, that this update includes changes that require Easy Copyright to be reset in your project. If the spacing issue is still present, previewing in a browser seems to clear the Blocs cache.

Thank you @wolfganghofer, @Flashman, @Jerry and @Twisk for testing the fix.


Hi Pete,
First… cool bric! I find it very convenient, useful and essential for all sites. But there is something that seems redundant, which reduces the intuitiveness of this bric, especially for newbies with little or no coding knowledge. And for those with coding knowledge, it might be a bit annoying that one would have to create a class in the top field, or in the class manager, then manually recall the class name and apply it in the second field, not the first.

I’m not a coder but I’m wondering if the reason for this is that it’s an API thing that prevents you from using the default (1) class field to apply copyright styling through this bric(?)

Can you fix this, or is it outside of your control?


Hi @MiguelR, good question.

That top section is controlled by Blocs and is not accessible with the API. There is no way to know if a user has placed a class here, and it could only put a class that wraps the Bric. The Class setting option I use, interacts with the Bric and is placed inside the HTML of the exported code. This is important because, without control of the class, the alignment options would over-ride any class applied in the top box. (the nature of CSS).

This is the same for any custom bric. Hope that helps.


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Thanks Pete, I am happy with this extension!

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Thanks for your support Wolfgang. Happy New Year!

Thanks; something great became greater!

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Thanks for the clarification, Pete.

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Thanks, do you have plans for Easy Copyright in update inside of Blocs instead of having to re-download and install? Just curious.


That’s already present, though not 100% reliable of late for a few brics with the auto updates.

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Yup, I aware of this and copyright did not update on it’s own.
