Expand video size from thumbnail to 1080X1920

Hello Bloc Comrades,
Due to Norms diligent pursuit of the most versatile use of Blocs and the many upgrades that have followed, I have been holding back to update my site with the latest and greatest. Eldar has had a hand in this as well. I am trying to keep up with his excellent tutorials.

Now I have to act.

Simple question. Do we have the ability to click on a thumbnail version of a video and expand it to a larger size?

I’ve searched the forum but have not found this question asked.

I’ve also tested the Class Manager “.video” but can’t figure out if that has the answer.

Thanks in advance for any and all expert, whispered advice.


you can try to use an image as thumbnail which then opens a modal which autoplays the video.

Thank you Web+. That is a good suggestion. I was hoping not to have to steal frames for each and every spot I have on my reel but I think for now that may be my only option. Appreciate the advice.