Export as image as rendered page

Can the page be exported as is shows in the browser in Preview Mode?

The problem is when I show the client the screen shot it shows un necessary things like modals that are hidden when the page is rendered in the browser.

Maybe have dual purpose, non rendered and rendered screen shots,

Non rendered for me the developer and rendered for the client.

Click the Preview Mode button and export as image gets you the rendered screen shot.

Thank You

That seems to be a bit of a bug that I have reported. I find it more reliable to preview in Safari, then export as PDF.

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I found that export possibility because of your thread. Thanks! :slight_smile:
And I have the same issue as you have - when exporting it, it also exports modals.

I tried Flashmans method, but I got graphic errors, like gradient texts are being displayed incorrectly - the clipping doesn’t work when exporting as a pdf from Safari.

The option to export as an image definitely has some issues and also shows custom brics in the global footer as text elements. @Norm

Export as PDF from Safari has worked for me so far but perhaps there are limitations. I don’t think this is a feature in Blocs that is used that often, though I agree it needs some fixes.

I don’t think this is a feature in Blocs that is used that often

That’s true. I usually would just upload the page for the client/friend to preview in a browser.

Exporting as an image is just very easy for a quick preview. With some fixes to what is included in the export it’s a valid option. :slight_smile:

Take Webpage Screenshots Entirely - FireShot

Offered by: https://getfireshot.com

HI Seb,

Yes that is what happen to me also, text boxes loose formatting and render with white background and black text. But the rest of the page was ok.