Export seems to always update last modified on untouched files?

Site’s growing bigger, as is the image count. Besides the fact Blocs is semi-randomly ‘losing’ images on pages that i haven’t touched in a year ( :slightly_frowning_face:), even a quick export seems to touch last modified on all folders and files. This makes it exceedingly annoying to try to sync files to the host.

Is there some obvious setting in Blocs I’m missing?

I’m still not clear on the difference between export and quick export after reading the KB article, but regardless CMD-E results in all files touched. Would be great to have a ‘don’t make me click more’ option but right now would like to at least sort why last modified is being touched on quick exports. Latest 4.4.x Blocs… clean URLs, usual minify options enabled, etc.

Its in the big yellow box. Quick export inherits your selected export settings.

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