Feedback Requested – Temporary Placeholder

As I begin the next phase of a project (securing the required investment), I put together a ‘broad brushstroke’ site for those curious enough to find the URL behind my email address.

This isn’t anything more than a (very) simple introductory presentation deck. As one of my business philosophies is: No idea is so good that it can’t be improved, I welcome any and all constructive feedback (from the concept itself to the execution of this website).

You can view it at Please note: I have yet to adapt this layout to MD, SM, or XS screen sizes (and will do so after receiving some feedback).

I will toss in that I am NOT a web designer or code poet. I have hired many of both in the past and learned a few key pointers. I also know that I couldn’t have done 1/10th of this without Blocs! What a brilliant application it is!

Thanks to all who have answered my neophyte questions to get me this far : )


Just a general first impression. There is too much blue on the page and the animations are overkill. Some animation is good but like all things in design you can have too much of a good thing.

It also looks like you are using a single font type Garamond Narrow for everything, however that could be broken up to create contrast and structure in the design.


Thank you. All good points.