File blocs 5 crash when open it in blocs 6


I’m building a site with blocs 5.

I just upgraded to version 6 of blocs and when I try to open my file (blocs 5), application 6 crashes. Is this normal?

Is there anything I need to do to open a site created with version 5?

Thank you in advance for your reply.

Have a nice day.

Would you be able to share a copy of your project file so that we can check what is causing the crash?

We will be issuing patches regularly to address any outstanding issues in Blocs V6.

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Thanks for your feedback but being a new user, I can’t upload any files to the forum?
Have you a solution ? an external link?

I’ll send you a private message here on the forum.

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It’s done :+1:

Hi @Norm same problem here.
Trying to open every Blocs5 file get an instant crash of Blocs6.
Opening a new project goes flawless.
So there’s something with old Blocs5 file that trigger the crash.
Any suggest?

Here the crash report
Bloc6 Crash (12.8 KB)

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Exactly the same problem for me

if I create a new empty project wit Blocs5 and then try to open it with Blocs6 it does it very smooth. So the trouble is with old full blocs5 files.

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I’ve tried the same procedure and it’s identical for me. :neutral_face:

Guys there is a fix out 6.0.1 should stop projects crashing. It’s related to old legacy assets being removed from the core of Blocs. If your project has them in, it can cause a crash.

You can download it here.


It could be that you upgraded Blocs 5 to 6 without updating Blocs 5 to the latest version before you go ahead and do the upgrade. It might have been that. That is the only thing that I think of at the moment. @Norm will figure this out for you. You are in good hands!

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