Finally the Update 3.0 of my website - feedback very welcome! 😃

Hey @pauland
Thank you very much, for your constructive feedback :smiley:
As soon as I have a free minute, I will have a try with you suggestions.
One point I didn’t unterstand:

can you specify that?

Also, where exactly does the overflow of text happen? Can you make a screenshot, and upload please?

Thanks for your help, appreciate it!

I would edit the hero image to give a curved edge and if necessary the right margin.

I realised it only happens when I let Chrome translate to English - so no worries. I guess the substitution of English is using the spacing of the original German.

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Hallo Ben

Tolle Arbeit, deine Seite gefÀllt mit gut. Eine Frage hÀtte ich. Wie hast du instagram in deine Webseite eingebunden?

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Hallo Sascha
Danke herzlich fĂŒrs Kompliment :slight_smile:

Sowohl Insta, als auch Google Rezensionen sind als “Web-App” ĂŒber erstellt und dann in Blocs ĂŒber das Code Widget integriert.
Es gibt auch andere Anbieten, glaub sogar solche, die kostenlos sind, oder zumindest kein Jahres-Abo haben. Mir war allerdings wichtig das Design direkt bearbeiten zu können, und das bietet elfsight.

Hoffe das beantwortet deine Frage, sonst meld dich ruhig noch ĂŒber den privaten Kanal.

lieber Gruss, Ben

Would love to see the code. I am NOT a coder
just a rookie.

Rich the Weather Guy

Tiptop, danke fĂŒr die Infos. Schau es mir mal an.

Same happened to me. I’m trying to connect from Italy.

It’s OK for me now but it sounds like the there is some kind of software in place that is acting too aggressively.

I really like the website. I will keep short what i like about your website because otherwise i could write too much😂

Everyone would do it differently but i would use a little bit less emojis on a website. This might be because when i think about emojis i think about private conversations. I really love the loading animation you have when you click on something (i need to add this to my website!!).

Other then that there is not much to say!

(MĂŒsste ich den FĂŒhrerschein machen und ich fĂ€nde deine Seite wĂŒrde ich anrufen!):grin::+1:t3:

@WeatherguyNH thank you too! Yeah, there are some little “gimmicks” I loved to implement.
You know, the last few months I learned some JavaScript. So the secret lies in some additional code.
If you’d like, I can send you the code for the plus button :slightly_smiling_face:

You never sent the code?