First Blocs site - only taken since v3 lol

Hi folks, well, I’ve been playing with Blocs for a while, but I’m finally starting to migrate my sites across from Rapidweaver.

I’ve used @Eldar 's musician template and figured I’d get something up and improve it once it’s up there.

Some gallery photos will be changed, the font isn’t loading or embedded and I need to have a look at making Volt work so I can amend the gig list remotely, but any other feedback would be welcome - I intend to spend a couple of hours tomorrow improving it.


Looks good.
Video loads and plays well.
Visually pleasant.
Wow…LOTTA gigs!! :sweat_smile:

Rich the Weather Guy

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Hi Barrie,

Great work! A few suggestions:

  1. Change the SEO title and descriptions for all pages to remove the generic ones I have added as examples.

  2. Consider adding some font to all Typography.

  3. Make sure the social icons are linked to the proper URLs.


Tomorrow’s jobs :-). I shall be refreshing the Blocsmaster tutorials!


Go you! Well done! I know myself the transition from RW to Blocs can be a bit of frustration at first. Once you get over the steep but short hump in the curve of adapting it smooths out quickly and becomes the ‘new normal’ :grinning: Great stuff @Bazza720 you will be a master of it in no time.


Great website !!! LOVE IT!!!

Keep it up and keep doing little changes ! - looks GREAT!

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Hi Eldar (or Maybe @Jannis might be the one to ask), I’ve got everything pretty much as I want it and I’m over the moon with how easy the site was to put together. The only thing I can’t work out how to do is get the fonts used on the gigs page. This is using Volt CMS. It seem to be okay on a mobile, but not on the desktop version.

Any idea what I’ve done wrong?