Form input CSS Bug?

Weird issue Blocs 4.4.0

Adding a class called .help-block which is one of the Blocs generated classes for Forms does something weird in the CSS, and generates a typo and doesn’t preserve spaces??

Screen Shot 2021-10-17 at 3.09.39 PM

Same weirdness if I try to create a class called .input-group .help-block. Blocs decides to mess it up and again with a typo.

Screen Shot 2021-10-17 at 3.12.57 PM

I am using the .input-group class which is standard Bootstrap. Why would Blocs be re-writting any of my classes, and with a typo?

I figure the only one who can help fix this is @Norm

Perhaps report it in the latest beta thread?

Of course only he can, just making it visible :grin:


I thought I should just show you the ropes and welcome you to the Blocs community.


How do a submit a bug? :rofl:

Is there any video for that one? :thinking: :upside_down_face: :crazy_face: :grin:

It should be a tick box.

Too complicated.

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