GDPR/DSGVO (Germany): Embed fonts locally

Tweet buttons are fine, if they do not communicate with Twitter, and open the “share this page as tweet” just in a new browser window.

There are also server side solutions available for the Facebook like buttons, requesting the amount of likes via PHP.

The new checkbox options include a required checkbox. While I was down there tinkering with forms I also added the ability to set custom validation messages for required form items.

2.5.3 Beta 4 will be available tomorrow.




deepening more in the GDPR, the new law clearly states that the user must expressly consent to everything we will do with your data.
That is to say that a check box must be put in place for each use, which is a disaster for the developers.

1 - Do you agree that we use your email to send you advertising?: ☐YES ☐NO
2 - Do you agree that we use your email to send you our newsletter?: ☐YES ☐NO
3 - Do you agree that we use your telephone number to call you with information about our company?: ☐YES ☐NO
4 - Do you agree that we use your mobile phone number to include you in our WhatsApp information groups?: ☐YES ☐NO
5 - Do you agree that we use your mobile phone number to include you in our Telegram information groups?: ☐YES ☐NO
6 - Do you agree that we include you in our Twitter?: ☐YES ☐NO

The data request form It can be huge !!!

In my case I am talking to my client so that, for example, in the use of the Facebook button, first ask the user for permission, previously informing him / her that to view the Facebook button (which is hidden by the “Toggle visibility” function), gives express consent since Facebook will collect your data, nothing else connect.
In this way the Facebook access button is hidden and for this the checkbox required that @Norm will start in Beta 4 is essential.
As you can understand this can be a chaos and it is very difficult to cover all the possibilities with a “Privacy Policy” placed at the end of the web and that all users could not read or read at the end, when third parties such as Google or Facebook or Twitter have already captured your browsing data. This procedure is not authorized by the GDPR.

You missed one:
Do you agree that we call the GDPR idiots?: ☐YES ☐NO

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:ok_hand:, :alegría:, :alegría:

unfortunately, that is the face that was left to the gentlemen of “” , :alegría:, :alegría:

When the sanction came for the use of the “like” button on the “Social Media”: "German court rules against use of Facebook "like" button | Reuters "

For me this system has an error and is that if you click on the Facebook or Twitter buttons open these applications in another tab and if the user is logged in to your Social Media, then these app already collect their browsing data.

The buttons should also be hidden until the user authorizes the use of “Social Media”

@Wam I agree that it can all be a bit tedious if you’re doing all those things with client data. However, it is probably quite correct that visitors should be informed of what you intend to do with their information. But, it doesn’t mean a long contact form with all the options - you just have to be a little creative. Why not use the visibility option in blocs to create a paragraph of text that spells out all the things you want to do. This way, you simply add one checkbox on the form that says something like “I agree that you may use the information to provide a better service to me” This can be followed with a text link that says “What does this mean?”. The text link can then trigger the visibility of the explanation. (don’t forget to add a close icon in the explanation bloc).

It should also be noted that there is no requirement for the checkbox to be mandatory. If people choose not to tick the box, it should be explained that their contact information will only be used for a direct response to whatever the form is about. It’s simple, transparent and easy to implement.

Thanks @hendon52.

For me it is not important that this task is tedious, for me the important thing is to inform the user of all the things that my client will do with their data. And for this the option of visibility of Blocs is fundamental.
I have created something similar to what you indicate in your comments. Only one thing, in the case of my client I must explain one by one all the things that I can do with your personal data and put each one in your box of conformity, which must be mandatory by the YES or NO (could also be implemented an exclusive radio button), for the RGPD there are some cases in which an “accept” for everything does not work.

Thanks for your ideas :ok_hand:


Thank you @Norm

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As an novice here, I’ve been trying out your software for a couple of days now, I’m very impressed! Do I understand it correctly? Can I buy fonts (e.g. in FontShop, Avenir Next) and link to the .woff files? The licenses allow the integration into CSS files with the @ font-face declaration.

yeah thats right but the feature is currently part of the 2.6.0 beta.

… and, as I read, you will release it shortly?

yes at some point next week. You can try it now here.

Thank you, Norm! I will try it later. The text days I will purchase your software. Lovely UI, for my needs I think the best out there!

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For users in EU, esp. Germany: IMO … don’t play with fire. Don’t use Google fonts hosted on Google in the USA. It doesn’t matter what kind of bla bla you put in your “Datenschutzerklärung”. Download the fonts from Google and add them locally using the handy local fonts feature in Blocs.

This is just my opinion!