Global Swatch Colour not applied to Buttons after Exporting

Hi hoping someone else has experienced the same thing.

I have buttons on a page, after exporting the project it seems to have changed something during “parsing” of a page.

Now applying a global swatch colour to a button leaves outline and no colour in the button when previewing in a browser

In Blocs App the button is ok and colour is applied correctly.

Also noticed after exporting, php snippet is showing code in the page where it had not previously.

The export process seems to have changed a tag but I can’t isolate why/where.

Has anyone scene this and have a fix or workaround.

Regarding the php issue, make sure you have the page suffix set to php for the page (page settings).

As for the button global colour, try applying another colour, do any global colours from your project assign correctly after export?

Hi Norm,
the page was set as PHP and I was unable to get any global colour to work in preview mode on any browser.
It was displaying correctly in Blocs which was confusing.
I have Firefox set to keep no cache for these tricky items and it had the same problem as Safari and Chrome.
All attempts to fix, restart of Blocs and Mac did not fix the problem.
The problem did eventually go but I’m unsure how/why?
I’ll close this one out as I’m not able to reproduce now