Hide elements that have been hidden in specific breakpoints


is there a way to completely hide elements that have been hided in specific breakpoints? Also, is there a way to manually change the listing order of CSS classes?


The first part about hiding… can you explain what you mean? I don’t follow.

Regarding class order, yes you can. The Blocs Knowledge base is full of helpful info.


Does reordering classes have a technical impact or is it just for better organization?

I mean, when I hide an element from a breakpoint and then I edit that specific breakpoint the element is still visible on the canvass, just highlighted in light gray… is there a way to completely hide it?


CSS means Cascading Style Sheet. Styles can over-ride other styles based on the order they load on the page. I take it you wanted to re-order them for cosmetic reasons.

Not on the canvas, they wont show on preview though. Its important for items to show in the canvas though, this is your work area, even if an item is set to not show.

I didn’t understand the first part either, but for advanced breakpoint behavior in a simple solution there’s Dynamic Breakpoints.

  • Make as many custom breakpoints as you want without code.
  • Assign custom classes that have any properties you want, including animation, position, size, color etc.
  • Dynamically assign or remove those properties when in range.

It’s actually a lot easier than setting things at each breakpoint if that makes any sense.

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