Hosted Unused Asset will not delete

New and Updated information @Norm

Why is this happening? I deleted the Folder I made under the image assets manager. Tried to add them back as Local. I had to over right all of them. Found out they were in All as a Cloud Link. I then have gone through the hundreds of Cloud photos (bulk hosted images) and manually removed all of them. Saved the project. Open the project. Made a new Folder. Added local all the photos and there all the Cloud images were again.

You can see from this, there seem to be a problem with bulk hosting.

I am looking forward to finding out if this is a glitch

If would be nice if we could choose a large group of files (shift key like in Windows). or Control/Command and choose individual files and delete them. :slight_smile:

Looks like they removed the ability to directly add video.

Along the lines of Unused Asset not removed, Blocs will find all unused assets if you select the minus button in Asset Manager and choose > Find All Unused Assets and Blocs presents you with a list of any assets not used.

Videos need to be hosted elsewhere (your own server, youtube etc.) and linked to the forum. Alternatively, and my preferred method, upload a GIF which does not exceed 4MB in file size.

That is the problem, it is not doing that.
I made a video screen capture, but cannot upload it here.

Are you saying the mp4 needs to be converted to a GIF

Nice to know and because of you I can share the video. Thanks for your help

Apparently Blocs cannot remove Cloud (Hosted Image Assets) when using “Find All Unused Assets” is that a bug?

The Asset Manager should properly show an image even when linked. In your video, none of the images you reference are showing an image. They are either incorrectly named, or do not exist in the location specified. Please verify your hosted assets. You should not see a blue question mark if properly linked.

As far as bulk removal of images go, if all assets are found and checked, you can use the Delete Asset button for removal for all.

I’ll check this.

This is working as normal here with hosted assets. What is the URL for the image so I can check to see if its something specific in the URL.

Hey Norm, thanks for replying. I sent you a Bug Report 1/30/2023 with everything you needed. Along with links, zips & project files That was followed up by an email to norm@caz… (kept private)

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Thanks for replying. I going to go over all the settings again and will let you know.