How do you change the Gallery arrows to a different color

How do you change the color of the arrows in a gallery pop up window (Previous image arrow, Next image arrow)? My image backgrounds are white like the arrows. I need to change the color of these white arrows so they show up. I’ve seen other Bloc sites with black arrows. Thanks.

I have one other question. Whenever I edit a photo out of Blocs into Photoshop and back to Blocs, Blocs crashes, any suggestions?

I just added asubclass for this in the latest beta, add a new class via class manager and select lightbox arrows from the subclass lib dropdown.

Remember the arrows are icon fonts so use the text colour rule to set the colour of them within the class.

Thanks Norm. I will give it a try. Also thanks for the support email. This program gets better everyday.

I’m still getting crashes after I edit a photo in Photoshop. If it doesn’t crash after I save the changes in Photoshop and then go back into Blocs it’s frozen and I have to quite and reopen the program. I’m working with Beta 8. I will see what happens in Beta 9. Thanks again.

I’m looking into the PS crash, hopefully I will find the cause in time for fridays build 10.

I gave it a try and the arrows are now black (or any color I want). Great! Thanks!

I noticed in other Bloc sites that the arrow style was different then the default style (the default style is “Greater Then and Less Then” and what I saw were “Triangle” style arrows). Can you change the arrow styles? big deal, just curious, I like what I got.

The crashes are still happening with Beta 9. Looking forward to Beta 10. Thanks again.

The arrows had to be changed in order to allow styling so they will all appear like this going forward.

OK, thanks.

Blocs still crashes after saving an edited image in Photoshop, if it doesn’t crash, when I get back into Blocs it’s frozen. I have to quite and restart. I am using Beta 10.

@jranly What version of PS are you using? I’m still unable to replicate this

I using Photoshop CS6.

Am trying to solve the same problem as jranly but for the carousal arrows. I added a subclass in the class manager and selected carousal navigation arrows. I tried changing the color by changing the text color, but it did not change. I tried changing the size of arrow using font size and the arrow size changed. What am i doing wrong ?