Hi. How to change padding size for all blocs in one page—by marking all blocs in the left column and click 1 time to get the same padding size for all?
Check the question details here: https://youtu.be/TkB__h88Jpc
Hi. How to change padding size for all blocs in one page—by marking all blocs in the left column and click 1 time to get the same padding size for all?
Check the question details here: https://youtu.be/TkB__h88Jpc
Great Question
As far as I know, there would only be one way to do this and that would be to create a custom class that is applied to each bloc. Editing the class would then apply site wide. If you choose to do this via the sidebar it’s slow going with less flexibility.
As a general rule, I add a custom bloc I created with no padding, then apply custom classes for padding or margin as required. It’s a much better way of working, especially when you decide to make a change like this.
The side panel options for spacing are a bit of a lazy choice, but they can end up creating a lot more work in the long run. The same applies to headers etc.
Thanks, Flashman, what I mention here is if Blocs make it possible to do this or not, or as an option, simply as other MacOS other “normal” functions, like shift+click to mark more than one thing. It’s about this application general functions I ask about. It might be hidden somewhere but I can’t find it.
If it’s there I must have missed it as well, but in all these years I’ve never heard it mentioned as an option or even heard it requested previously. As far as I know, each bloc padding needs to adjusted individually if managed from the side panel.
The side panel options for padding are really only intended as basic choices. All the power and flexibility lies with custom classes.
I wish default padding would be 0.
I think it has been requested previously in various forms including specifically, generally and vaguely, mostly regarding the layer tree + multiple selection.
@Norm Feature Request: Layer Tree + Multiple Selection
Well it is an intuitive way we are used to working, other apps seem to be able to do this.
Bit like switching between the dark and light app UI. Ever had your OS automatically change to dark and Blocs is stuck in light until you manually change it and then you have to restart the app for it to change?