How to create a group of columns in circles

Hey guys it’s been a while since I’ve been active on the forum. Hope you are great.

I would like to know how to achieve this effect using blocs without editing the background in photoshop :smiley:

I’m trying with the columns, but it’s getting a bit complicated. :confused:

Any ideas?

Hi @Stewie_Griffin , there has been earlier a topic to create a compass. However, the principle is the same for your circles and @PeteSharp created a sample file to get you started.

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Thank you so much :slight_smile:

Any idea of why this is happening?

This is happening when changing the size of my browser, not really responsive.

Hi @Stewie_Griffin, to me it looks column(s) width is not set correctly for each breakpoint as it stays perfect in shape but just moves if understood correctly.

On the break points from blocs looks good but then after on the browser not so much :confused: