HTML snippet code changing on save

Continuing on my HTMP (PHP Snippet) woes.
I am pasting my tested code into the snippet. Upon close and reopen parts of it have changed. Amongst other things =& turns into =& ,-> becomes ->

The text in question is used by the database Filemaker PHP API. @Norm - any thoughts. If I manually edit the php file - all is good.

Coded examples;
$checkboxes .= "<input type=\"checkbox\" id=\"checkbox\" name=\"search[]\" value=\"$option\" ><label for\"search\">$option</label><br>\n";
$checkboxes .= "<input type="\&quot;checkbox\&quot;" id="\&quot;checkbox\&quot;" name="\&quot;search[]\&quot;" value="\&quot;$option\&quot;"><label for\"search\"="">$option</label><br>\n";
$layout =& $connection->getLayout($layout_name);
$layout =&amp; $connection-&gt;getLayout($layout_name)

I’ll run some tests on this and see what’s up.

@norm looking forward to your results

Hi Norm
I have also something with html bric @Norm

i put this code in a HTML bric

after saving the bric its changed into this

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@norm hi norm I know you are very busy on the latest beta but am wondering if you had any ideas about this issue?

Yes the work involved/required is rather substantial and is not complete yet, it will be ready later in the year.

The currently HTML widget injects the code directly into the project page and when this happens webkit escapes the characters, the updated version of the HTML widget will provide an option that wont inject the content into the page within the design environment but will instead add this after export and during in app preview.

Im hoping to have the new HTML widget in beta around July/August so not too long.


Thanks for letting us know. Cut and paste is now my friend :slight_smile:

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@Norm Blocs 3 is a great advance and has kept you very busy and thanks but I’m not sure this bug has been fixed. Is this still on your list for rectification?