Hello again everyone!
I have another quick question for you, on optimization again.
Now, I love PNGs, I really do, but we all know the huge difference in size compared to a jpg, especially when we don’t care for transparency. So I was going through my site again, trying to optimize it, and I thought well why not convert everything to WebP myself using Pixelmator (love it; I hate Photoshop) then import the files to my existing project and swap all the images manually.
Blocs wouldn’t allow me to choose WebP images for some places (for example: carousel slices). I thought, OK maybe it’s for my own safety that it doesn’t let me. For fall-back reasons.
Then I thought I should convert all non-transparent images to jpg. Again using Pixelmator. Now I noticed this: If I Export as jpg (quality 70%) I get let’s say a file size of 300KB. However, If I choose Export for Web (70%), the image is much much smaller! I got images from 400KB to 60-65KB. And opening them side by side with the originals, I can’t say I notice too much loss, and I doubt casual visitors will notice anything either.
So, please advise me if I’m doing it right:
Original jpg/png —> Pixelmator, Export for Web (70%) as a jpg —> Use in Blocs —> Export Project (my choice for WebP quality is 90) —> and upload it all.
When Blocs will convert the files to WebP, will there be a problem since I’d be feeding it an “inferior” image file? I read online that “exported-for-web” images lack lots of information and are converted to sRGB. Is that OK?
Thank you all for your time!