Image protection in carousel

I think the image protection function in V4 is great, but I can’t seem to apply it to photos that are in a carousel. Is it possible?

Hey @Reg

You can add image protection site wide in project settings.

Screen Shot 2020-12-01 at 10.37.37 PM

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@PeteSharp really? I didn’t see that. Great, thanks!

…in other news, any word on your Copyright Bric?

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Yes, its just being tested. I am using it on my website now.

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If you can’t wait, try using a code widget in your footer, containing e.g.

©2017-<?php echo date ("Y"); ?> by me

and set each page to have the ending .php instead of .html. That will give you

©2017-2020 by me

as a result.


I can’t this to work. My images are still downloadable.