Import an image or photo in a bric

I want to import an image from my computer into a bric.
Does anyone know how I can do this?

Thanks a lot
The Creatives

Hi @1-2-4

The asset manager handles all images being imported
Asset Manager – Blocs – User Documents

Regarding adding an image to a bric, what do you mean, eg as a background image? More details will be helpful.

Hey Malachiman,

Thanks for your replay;-)
I check out the asset manager! Oh what I mean is that if I have a brick on my page with the plus inside I would like to put an image in there when I click on the plus…
Thank s a lot!
Darifa The Creatives

Hi @1-2-4, from what I can gather you’re wanting, I think there are different ways to do this, either as a background image from the right panel, make a class for it with the image as a background, or insert an image bric and go from there.
Not at my Mac, so can’t confirm, my memory may be playing tricks…

You need to select the image bric to add the image. eg

Or if you want a background image you can create a custom class and add a background image.