Is html widget available in Blocs 1.6.2?

My client purchased Blocs version 1 a couple years ago and now we’re trying to update the website to include a script widget. Blocs Help says there’s an html bric but this appears to be for version 2 and I can’t find a way to put in our html widget in version 1. Is there any way to do this in version 1.6.2?

I think you’ll need to edit the code after it’s generated by blocsapp. I think there may have been a possibility of hacking the video bric, but I can’t be sure.

Thanks! Disappointing the html bric doesn’t exist in version 1 though…

…I guess that’s why it’s in version 2!

Time to upgrade the licence, perhaps. There is a trial available.


Blocs 2 is well worth the upgrade price tag, you could just include the upgrade price in with your clients bill.


Also the time saved in trying to resolve this issue probably equates to the cost of the upgrade if not more!