Try scrolling slowly down the page - on Safari, Chrome and Firefox, on my MacBook and iMac, and on my iPad, the images jump/flicker 2, 3, 4 or even 5 times.
My iPhone X is the only device it works on.
Lazy loading is off, and no matter what I do - or don’t - ‘minify’ nothing changes.
(It’s made with Blocs 2 as the smooth toggling I need doesn’t work on Blocs 3.)*
Any ideas?
*Just found this, is it a solution to smooth toggling on Blocs 3? It’s way beyond my ability to decide That’s why I use Blocs.
So, I’ve done a slo-mo screen recording which clearly shows the brick building jumping up and down, once at the beginning and once at the end of the clip.
Try remove the animate “Fade In Up” on the text fields.
It seems that when they have been loaded and animated the flickering is gone.
But as soon as you reload the page it’s all reseted again.
As a general comment I would say you have too much animation going on all over the place and this can lead to jumpy issues that will be worse on low powered devices.
Personally I’d pretty much skip all animations.
I get tired quickly coming to sites and things animates.
For me it doesn’t add any value.
I’m ok when one logo on the start page fades in or something.
I noticed on mobile that the round image doesn’t show until you start to scroll (pic 1).
And it’s the same with other text content (pic 2).
The text slide up animation and image flicker is still present on mobile.
Agreed, a little animation goes a long way… sometimes I feel it distracts from the site and actually when done wrong makes the site look unprofessional.
Too much animation can bring negative impact on the user experience. Try to keep things simple unless its highly followed across the sites in the niche.