Lightbox video don't stop

Hello everyone,
I’m quite sure my problem was already solved in another post but I’m just a beginner with complex interaction in Blocs and I’m lost…
I’ve a div container with an horizontal scroll galeries on my website.
I wan’t to apply an interaction Lightbox top some images to launch a video when you click on it.
Everything works fine (video open and auto start) but when I close the video window audio keeps playing …
I’m quite sure I need to apply a js to the page but I don’t know how …
Thanks !

Welcome…a link to what you are seeing would be helpful to all.

Rich the Weather Guy

Thanks !
For sure :
If you click on the image attached a video will start (trough a Lightbox ) and when you close the video window the audio still continue playing …
The image is just here as a help to find the section on the website (follow the link mentioned in my post)
Capture d’écran 2024-11-14 à 16.33.09

We had this problem already in the past.

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@Jannis thanks
I’ve already search in the past but as a newbie in modal I’m not quite sure which post really apply to my problem :upside_down_face:

I think Any Video from @PeteSharp could help :smiley:


Highly recommended by me.


Are you using a video in your project or hosted in the cloud?

Just doubled checked and the video is paused when you close the light box window, here for me in the latest version of Blocs.

thanks for any video !
and finally I found the solution … I was on bootstrap 4 under bootstrap 5 everything works fine whitout any video bric !

Thanks everybody
What a fantastic forum