Link to a tab

Excellent … congratulations @PeteSharp

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Could this implemented in FAQ as well?

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In an Accordion are you talking about?

Then yes, Accordions are a little tricky, but I already have got code I made up for opening specific sections.

I could add it, so if you had a URL Param of “?accordion=thisOne” if handled the accordions.

Don’t forget my Papal @Pealco. :rofl: :rofl:

Send me @PeteSharp, but remember I can’t pay without product… :joy:

Its in the Mail @Pealco :rofl: :rofl:

It’s got to be worth a few coins, surely!!

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@PeteSharp didn’t receive any mail…

Well, until this magical Blocs hits the scene, I am now merely linking to the top of my poor tabs, rather than jumping to specific content within the tab. :cry:

Sorry @Pealco that was a bit of a joke. I do forget that this forum is multinational/cultural at times.

I’m sure you will be ok @JDW. Im tied up with work for the next few days so it’s getting pushed back a little. Still a bit of to do on it.


How can you link to a specific tab with two different nav links? I duplicated the nav item from the tab list ad it on the button of the page (Next video) but if you click on it then it doesn’t allow you to go back to the previous tab.