Loading issues on Volt Galleries

Hi, I’ve recently created a number of galleries using Volt CMS. While testing I notice the following problem (see clip) whenever I load a gallery the images initially appear very large and then jump back and appear as expected. All images are below 1mb and most are around 500 to 600kb.


What is likely to be causing this to happen and what can I do to fix please?

You’re using masonry as grid style. This is using JavaScript for the layout.

As your images are quite large, this takes a while.

Either lower the image size, or use another grid layout.


Thanks Jannis.

I have to say, that Iconic Gallery and Repository Manager are two Brics that any Blocs user should have. :grin: Big fan.


This is usually a result of the browser or CMS taking a moment to load the final image size and styles. You could try adding some CSS to control the image size while it loads, like setting a max width/height or using a “loading” placeholder so the jump is less noticeable.

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Thanks Erik, I’ll try out those options.