Losing link to audio asset when exporting

Very strange behaviour…
On a page I have and audio player; an .mp3 file has been added as asset and linked to thep layer.
It worked fine.
When I edited my project, I noticed that in the exported files I was missing the audio folder and its .mp3 file. I always force a full export.
Back in the editor I see that asset is still linked but when testing locally the player doesn’t play the file… If I set the player to no file and relink to the .mp3, the next export works fine…
I encountered the problem several times!

Help… :frowning:

No reply… No one had the same problem? I’m encountering it each time I export a new version of my site. .mp4 files not being exported although no changes have been made to the names or folders… My site is now unusable !

Hi André,

Although I haven’t experienced the similar thing, it sounds like a bug. Did you try to upload the mp3 files to your server, and then linking them in asset manager as a hosted assets?

Indeed, no doubt it is a bug: I started the project in June and had no problem. I upgraded to to latest 4.5.2 version in July… and the problems occured, first with the .mp3 and then .mp4… Indeed I could you the URL link reference but as the videos are on Youtube channels (various one), I opted for that workaround solution.
I wrote to Cazoobi notifying the possible bug.


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