Mobile Design Interface

Can changes made to the mobile interface be independent from the Desktop interface? if yes, how? I am having issues whereby changes made to the mobile interface affects the desktop interface as well. Please help.


You can select blocs elements and make them visible on desktop/tablet/phone, or any variation of these - just look at the right parameters panel and you can see the icons and set the element visibility. This can apply to blocs brics and elements.

A typical strategy I use is to customise mobile content by duplicating a bloc and then setting one bloc to be visible on tablet and desktop only and the other to be mobile only.

Hi Paul, Thank you for your reply, possible for us to get in touch and teach me how? over skype maybe?

Sorry but I don’t have a skype account.

I have attached a blocsapp project. Look at it in detail, preview in the browser and watch what happens as you change the browser width.

The important thing is that the red highlight in the image below controls the view during design time in blocsapp ( not so important ). The green highlight controls what appears on the page in the browser when the user sees the page. By toggling the visibility of items you can control what the page looks like in mobile and other views. You can have completely different content across device sizes.

Have a play.

There are other ways to do this, but this is the easiest.

testvisibility.bloc (732.9 KB)

Hi Paul, thanks for sharing this, but there seems to be a problem with how I’m doing it. Here’s my template, please let me know of where I’m going wrong on the mobile version. Thank you.

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If you care to add the file on the forum, or make it downloadable from somewhere, I’ll take a look.

I have no plans for making international phone calls or trying to do this via facebook.

Please spend time looking at the blocs project that I supplied.

I always advise people who have issues to build a little test example to learn and test the required techniques rather than try and get a complex project to work.