Multiple Visibility toggles - I think I've made a mess

I’ve just got the bones of our new page made up but on testing I’ve discovered that I’ve an unforeseen problem with the visibility toggles.

I’ve tired to make the page so a person can effectively filter the possible options to suit their needs and not see things that are not ideal for their ability.

For example a full time wheelchair users sees the activities suitable for their needs but a person who walks with an aid sees more activities AND those that are suitable for a wheelchair user.

It works fine unless the user tries to browse because clicking a second option then toggles some stuff off and while opening others.

I’ve uploaded it so you can see what I mean

Is there an easy way to fix this - I’m not much of a coder

I’ve since abandoned the attempt to show hope the differing categories but would love to know if it is possible to essentially filter for different peoples needs

You could do this by using some JavaScript to add some logic to toggling things off and on. Otherwise what happens… if two buttons toggle visibility on the same element they can cancel each other out as you discovered.

If you want some help with this, send me a PM.

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Thanks I’ve just concentrated on getting the content written . I might come back round to this once the important stuff is in place. Thanks for the offer