New at blocs, toe in the water, how to

Hello. before deciding for blocs after Adobe (and not wanting to spend money on the tutorial just yet), I am bumping my head against two things in my test-site within the try out version of the app.
-I understand the different breakpoint views and the things you have to change accordingly. But after uploading it doesnt work like that on my iPhone. How do I tell my test site it is on an iPhone or iPad… I understand breakpoints are about pixels, and my phone has many pixels, but the siite is way too small now. How do I force breakpoints on a smaller screen with (too) many pixels?

-I am a video maker and need to communicate with lots of video. Blocs-Lightbox is very video-limited and I was given the advice to use Blocs-modals. Bu that has many draw backs when in actual use (or while designing), like continuous playing on the background, after closing the pop-up (try it with the video on the home page of blocs) I know about Lity now… but is that the only way for a professional display of video within blocs? If so … I can live with it, but these are the first two things that keep me awake for now. Any advice?? Thank you very much in advance. I am starting to like blocs. Regards Ruben

It should work automatically.

Is there a URL we are able to check for you?

Best, Jannis

Thank you for your reply and time in advance. It is

That domain contains an iFrame, which points to

The first website isn’t showing properly on iPhone because of that iFrame I guess.

The real website looks good on iPhone.


If that is the reason… thank you so much… I would NEVER have figured that out.
You have a new official customer starting tomorrow!

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(but I still wonder how ‘it’ figures out ‘it’ is been presented on an iPhone with so many more pixels than the breakpoints)

In an iPhone, the “real” screen :tv: size aren’t the pixels.

If you have a Retina display, you most probably know about the pixels. If it is a @2 Retina display, you have to decide by 2 to get the “real” screen size.

See iPhone X Safari browser chrome guide - Mark Cormack
That website doesn’t explain it to 100%, I guess you will get the idea.

thanks again, you made me become official.